Pruning overgrown red yucca

Step-by-step Guide: How To Prune Overgrown Red Yucca

Step-by-step Guide: How To Prune Overgrown Red Yucca Battling an overgrown red yucca can feel like a daunting task. As a gardener, I’ve faced this challenge too and discovered that these drought-hardy plants actually require minimal pruning throughout their lifetime. This comprehensive guide will provide you with easy-to-follow steps on how to prune your blooming beauty…

cape mallow

Cape Mallow (Anisodontea) Plant Care

Cape Mallow (Anisodontea) Plant Care Cape mallow (Sidalcea malviflora) is a fast-growing, drought-tolerant perennial that produces showy blooms from spring to fall. This hardy plant is native to the western United States and does best in full sun. Cape mallow can reach up to 4 feet in height and spread up to 3 feet wide.…

mealycup sage

How To Grow Mealycup Sage

How To Grow Mealycup Sage (Salvia farinacea) If you’re looking for a plant to attract pollinators and add some color to your landscape, Mealycup Sage is a great option. This perennial salvia plant grows well in warm climates, but can also be grown as an annual in other zones. Here are some tips for growing…

red yucca

How To Plant And Care For Red Yucca

How to Plant and Care for Red Yucca Red yucca plants (Hesperaloe parviflora) are tough, drought-tolerant plants that produce showy, reddish coral blooms from spring through midsummer. In warmer climates, plants may bloom year-round. Although red yucca isn’t a true yucca the leathery, arching leaves are very similar. However, the leaves have a more grass-like…

growing lavender in Arizona

Does Lavender Grow Well In Arizona

Does Lavender Grow Well In Arizona Yes, lavender does grow well in Arizona! Lavender plants like Arizona’s alkaline, sandy, and barely fertile soils. Choose full sun exposure when possible for optimal blooming. If you live in hotter areas such as Phoenix, Scottsdale, or Tucson that are in zones 9 and 10, try to place your…
